ITM Newsletter — 2nd October 2020

Hello, dear readers! Here’s your fortnightly round-up of all things InSPIre the Mind!

Inspire the Mind
3 min readOct 2, 2020



Don’t forget, our free fundraiser for mental health charity is still running! All you have to do is send us your best & most inspiring photography and we’ll match every submission with a £1 donation — we’re almost at £100 pounds so keep sending in those photos! 📸


Telepsychiatry: How did we get here and where do we go now?

By Anushka Pathak

A lot has been changed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last 6 months.

For those of us familiar with the inside of clinic rooms, one of the starkest changes may be the sudden reliance upon providing health care electronically.

As a medical student, I spend a lot of time shadowing doctors in the clinic, and since returning to medical school for Year 5, my peers and I have increasingly noticed that consultations are taking place over the phone or on a video call.

✽ The missing pieces of the ADHD puzzle: inflammation, neurotrophin and cortisol?

By Jane Chang

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder with a global prevalence rate of 5–10%. ADHD presents with symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

A child with ADHD often has difficulty sitting still in class, is easily distracted by noises or actions of other classmates, and they are often unable to complete tests or assignments on time. Moreover, the inattention and hyperactivity may result in a slip in academic grades, in frequent conflict with peers, or in increased parent-child conflicts.


“More Unites Us Than Divides Us” — It’s Time for Neurology and Psychiatry to Work Together Again

By Bibire Baykeens

Psychiatry, like many other specialties within medicine, has a range of sub-specialties from which one can choose during higher training, which lead to further development of expertise in a certain area of psychiatry and a particular subset of patients.

Neuropsychiatry is one of those sub-specialties.

✽ Culture S.H.O.C.K: Salut Hålla Olá Ciao Kumusta

By Sofia Cussotto

Salut, Hålla, Olá, Ciao, Kumusta: these are all ways to say ‘hello’ in various languages. The first letters also happen to spell out the word shock.

Culture shock is a term that we hear in our everyday language; the feeling that might happen when we move abroad and experience a different cultural environment to the one we know. But do we really know the ins and outs of culture shock?

I have been living in Italy, my home country, for most of my life.

If you’re interested in sharing a piece for our publication, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us on any of our social media pages or by email at

Hope you have a lovely weekend and see you next week!

InSPIre the Mind team

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Inspire the Mind

Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology Laboratory within @KingsIoPPN. Follow our publication InSPIre the Mind (