ITM Newsletter — 4th September 2020

Inspire the Mind
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3 min readSep 4, 2020

Hey there, dear reader,

It’s certainly been a…strange… summer this year and so we really hope that reading our blogs has helped in some way throughout these difficult months. Just as we have every week before, we once again have brand new blogs for you to read this week — and if you’re not all caught up, not to worry! Here is a quick summary of the last couple of weeks…

Help us fundraise for mental health charity Mind!

Don’t forget, you can still participate in our fundraiser of mental health charity Mind by sending in your best and most inspiring photography. For every submission, we’ll match with a £1 donation so keep sending in those photos!


An Optimist’s Guide to Recent COVID-19 Research

By Ffion Harris

“Table for two?” It feels good being seated once again at my favourite local restaurant and I’ve never had a better excuse to spend my money now that I am officially ‘Eating Out to Help Out ’. The smell of food and the chatter of strangers in conversation around me is what I’ve been craving.

It has been nearly 3 months since the UK began to emerge from lockdown. Despite the tables being carefully set 2 meters apart and my waiter smiling at me from behind a visor, life is beginning to feel normal again.

The Future is Feminist: tackling gender inequalities in psychiatric medicine and practice

By Rebecca M L

Psychiatry, like most scientific and medical fields, has historically not been kind to women. Freud himself, still heralded by some as the father of modern psychiatry, considered women to “oppose change, receive passively, and add nothing of their own”, a perception that half the population has not necessarily been able to shake since.


The future of child and adolescent psychiatry — a medical student’s perspective

By Emily Jones

As a medical student soon to be beginning my clinical years of study, the world is still very much my oyster in terms of choosing a career path. I am certain, however, that my passion for child mental health will influence my journey in some shape or form.

I have worked with many children and young people with mental health difficulties in my part-time job, both before and during medical school. What has really struck me when working with these children and their families is their vastly different experiences of getting support from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).

The Pursuit of Happiness: Why does nothing feel good when you have anhedonia?

By Alessandra Borsini & Amelia St John Wallis

Anyone who has experienced anhedonia will know that it is not just inability to feel pleasure, as most commonly defined.

Anhedonia takes away happiness from those small moments that give life meaning, like food, sex, relationships and achievements.

You know what the occasion is, but you just can’t rise to it.

As always, hope you have a lovely weekend and see you next week!

InSPIre the Mind team

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Inspire the Mind

Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology Laboratory within @KingsIoPPN. Follow our publication InSPIre the Mind (