A note to my 40 year old self

I am writing this to make sure you are still on the right track. You once had a good head on you kid, is it still on?

Here are 15 points I hope you still live by, feel free to add another 15 for our 50 year old self.

1) Family first

Enough said.

2) Never settle

You didn’t for your first 29 years, don’t start now.

3) Do what makes you happy

Never do anything that doesn’t make you happy. As soon as anything becomes more work than fun it’s not worth it.

4) Make a difference

In order to make a difference you have to be different. We have established that ☺ Make sure it’s positive.

5) Know what’s important

If you’re still working 15–18 hrs a day, stop! It was a short term plan, make a new one.

Typography: Maria Gregoriou

6) Stay passionate!

Motivations change with interests, whatever you’re doing make sure you’re passionate about it. Passion always wins.

7) Grow

The only person you need to be better than is who you were yesterday. I hope you’re a much better person than me.

8) Keep wandering

You were once an adventurer who made a point of travelling where there was no path and left a trail, I trust that has not changed.

9) Never let yourself go

If you do not have a six pack I will not be upset, just disappointed.

10) Never ever give up

I know what you are capable of, don’t forget it’s all in your mind. The only limit is the one you set yourself.

Typography: Maria Gregoriou

11) Never feel sorry for yourself

Life does not get better by chance, life becomes better by change. If you’re not happy change!

12) Do it your way

Only God can judge you, and 2pac but he’s dead so… Do what you think is right, always!

13) Don’t hold back

If you must speak, speak as if every word was unique. You were never afraid to give your opinion. Make sure to say what matters, hold nothing back.

14) Keep meeting new people

You learn nothing new from yourself, you better not be a grumpy old guy.

15) Keep good company

You are the people around you. Make sure they inspire you.

Typography: Maria Gregoriou

P.S. I have mailed this to your gmail account to arrive on your 40th birthday. If there is a technical difficulty I hope your memory still works to check manually.

