Are you Excited About Mondays?

Daniel Ndukwu
Inspire the World
Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2016

The way we live our lives is ironic and a little sad.

We rush to grow up then when we hit a certain age we pray to stay there or to be young again.

We move through the week rushing towards Friday then hope Monday won’t come.

We fight for a goal in the future — ignoring the present — then once we get there, we move right to the next one.

Something is missing. It seems something is broken with the entire process.

Is it your fault?

Yes and no.

Some of it is your fault because it’s your life and you’re the one who holds the keys to all the doors.

Some of it isn’t your fault because, depending on where you grew up and live, you’ve been conditioned to act a certain way and believe certain things.

Don’t you think there’s a better way? Don’t you think there’s a more fulfilling way to pass your days?

Instead of looking back with regret, look around with satisfaction.

Be happy about Mondays. Excited about Mondays.

In 2010, I read a book that changed the way I look at the world, income, and the way we’re meant to live our lives.

It was The Four Hour Workweek. Yes, there were some cool insights about online business, but the information wasn’t especially new.

What was new was what an online entrepreneur could do with the resources they amassed. A type of arbitrage.

The school system we use was developed during the industrial revolution. It standardized us. It mass produced ideas, values, and conformity. It socialized us and prepared us for mass produced jobs. It was necessary in a world that was rapidly changing.

Now, the world is still rapidly changing but we’re holding on to systems that have failed to change with it. Not just our schools but also our workplaces. Even if you don’t realize it consciously, there’s a disconnect between your expectations and your reality.

That’s why it’s hard for us to get excited about Mondays. It’s more monotony and you know it’s going to be the same every single day for the foreseeable future.

It was the same in school.

It was the same in college.

It’s the same at work.

A lucky few have occupations that fulfill them on many levels. The rest of the world doesn’t.

I earn a full time income from the digital assets I’ve spent time and energy to cultivate. In the United States, I’m upper middle class.

I don’t live in the United States — anymore.

My income isn’t the cool part. It’s the arbitrage.

I earn money in dollars, but I spend it in various currencies across the world.

Rand, Naira, Cedi, and Pesos, are just a few of the currencies I’ve used.

I’m upper middle class in The US.

I’m a rich man in most other places.

What I’ve done is design a life on my terms. I’m no longer rushing from one point to another because I’ve begun to understand the journey is just as important as the destination.

I’m not advocating you quit your job and move to Argentina. That would be stupid.

What I’m saying is start taking steps to design a life, within the context of your current situation, you don’t have to escape from.

You’re working at a dead end job in finance, but truly want to be an artist. Ok, start by taking night classes to hone your skills and show your work at local exhibitions.

You work in the bank, but nothing would make you happier than being a dancer. Ok, find a local gym that offers dance classes and start going. Learn if you have what it takes.

Nothing, I mean nothing, worth having comes overnight.

A life you don’t have to escape from isn’t built in a day.

I earn my income from the internet, write thousands of words every day, have reached millions of people with my work, and wake up on Mondays with a big ass smile.

It wasn’t a quantum leap from point A — B. Read up on quantum leaps, they’re a misunderstood phenomenon. It’s when matter appears at a higher plane than it was before. Before that happens, it slowly gathers energy until it reaches a critical threshold.

The same situation occurs when you’re building a life where Mondays are as epic as Fridays. It happens in small degrees. Your consistent actions compound over time.

If you want to live life on your terms next year then you need to start taking the small steps today. In one year, you may just have compounded enough effort to “suddenly” break through.

Get excited about Monday, it’s another opportunity to design your life.

Join me in The Consistency Experiment. We’re performing small consistent actions over an extended period to design our ideal lives and crush epic goals. Learn more and sign up here



Daniel Ndukwu
Inspire the World

Creative entrepreneur | Chief Scientist of | Founder of | prolific writer | Fear is a LIAR.