Do you have what it takes to be successful?

Siddharth Goliya
Inspire the World
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2015

Dreamed of starting a company? Hoped your product would change the world? It’s like people were just waiting all their lives to use your ‘revolutionary’ product and it will make a dent in the universe. Your company would be an instant hit and you’d become a millionaire in the next couple of years. In the span of 5 years you’d be driving a Lamborghini and nominated as the top entrepreneur of the year.

To turn this dream into a reality you have set off to start your company and you begin to build your product. You’re very sure about making it in life. You’re hopeful. You’re optimistic. You believe in yourself. You think you are building the next unicorn. But, you don’t know it yet. Your milestone is a million miles away. There will be times when you hit a comet, fuel is approaching the end, your spaceship is about to crash, you see no hope, your destination seems to be far far away. There will be huge obstacles, and the biggest of them all would be losing belief in yourself.

“I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart, love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain, days of the same
You keep the sunshine, save me the rain
I search but never find, hurt but never cry
I work and forever try, but I’m cursed so never mind
And it’s worse but better times seem further and beyond
The top gets higher, the more that I climb
The spot gets smaller and I get bigger
Tryna get into where I fit in, no room for a nigga”

- Lil Wayne

This might sound a little dramatic but if you get a decent read, you’ll know where I’m coming from. I’m no Ben Horowitz but even the great man seems to love his rap. You could check out Ben’s Blog here.

Everyone sees the dream of becoming successful but only a few of them end up making it their reality. They are the ones who do not stop at anything. The ones who pick themselves up even after the mightiest of blows. And keep moving forward at astronomical speeds even after being completely broken & withered.

Everyone has a different definition of success. To some it is the money. To some it is excellence, to be the best. To some it is to be respected. To some it is to change the world. To some it is power. To some it is vengeance. But to achieve what you aspire you need to be ready to give up on everything and more. “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

To excel in something, to succeed, it requires unimaginable amounts of persistence. You need to be ready to do whatever it takes and still keep moving. You need to make sacrifices. Make your entire life revolve around just one thing, your goal. A little Portuguese kid at the age of 13 left his family home to walk on the path of his dreams. He put in hours after hours, yards after yards on sunny days, rainy days & even the cold winter mornings, in health and in sickness to become the footballing legend he has become today. It seems so easy when champion footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo curls one into the top right corner, but in reality, its all those years of perseverance through grueling pain, injuries & despair behind the scenes that has gotten him to where he is today.

You will encounter more rainy days than you can possibly imagine. Money will be burning like forest fire. You may have to go high and low to stretch every dollar to survive. You may even have to break your piggy bank to support your vision. But, at the end of road it will all be worth it. Young Elon Musk envisioned to save the planet by producing electric cars and find other planets which could support human life. Many years ago there came a time when everyone doubted what he was doing. He had reached his last dime. He was about to shut down both the companies. But just a day before the closing date he had planned he received funding for both his companies. The lesson that we learn from this is if you give yourself a certain time to achieve what you want don’t lose hope until the end.

When you’re climbing up the ladder there will be a lot of people who will doubt your ability, purely out of jealousy or the belief that they are better. But haters will be haters. Their callous remarks should not get in your way. It should not slow you down or stop you from believing in yourself. Keep going. Do not try to retaliate. Take it upon your ego to prove them wrong. And end up doing it. As rightly mentioned in Gurubaksh Chahal’s book “Success is it’s own reward”.

You have to fight through some hard days to earn the best days of your life. You will need some sort of super strength and craziness. So make sure what you want is worth the chase.

Originally published at
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Siddharth Goliya
Inspire the World

Attempted my hand in a few business ventures. Hoping to make it huge this time! CFO @Pipesapp & @doodlecreatives. Football fan. Aged 24.