Have the courage to Be the change

Be the change rather than being part of it.

Vitap Ramdevputra
Inspire the World
3 min readMay 7, 2014


Change is the unchangeable, permanent, consistent, required and ridiculously amazing factor — everything else is momentary.

Even now, when you are reading this article, everything is changing. And will keep on changing. You like it or not, you want it or not, but you will be part of it. Sometimes it is slow,smooth and occurs very cautiously and on the other hand, sometimes, it occurs faster than eye blink — within no-time.

Sometimes things happening with us is not because of us…only sometimes.( posted on Facebook by me on 8th Feb 2014)

By this I meant that — in whichever situation you are — ‘rich/not-so-rich’, ‘fit/unfit’, ‘employer/employee/jobless’, ‘single/in-relationship’ — its grateful/awful to say, but most probably it is because of you. And after reading this, even for a second, if you thought to curse yourself, then I would say that it shows pessimist-ism in you, change it right away.

Whatever you are doing right now, even reading this blog (which is truly, downheartedly appreciated), is because of you. Yes you can argue that, if I didn’t wrote it then you wont be reading it, and I`ll flush the argument confessing that I am here because you are here, for you. And actually I am proud of you, cause if you are (still)reading this, it clearly proves that somewhere you too believe in being the change than just being part of it.

Sometimes there may be chances that, when you come up with some decision and ask for views or judgments of your family and friends. You may get mixed views or may be negative, and at that time, I would say, only listen to yourself. After listening to yourself, you may be proven wrong. At that time don’t let your ego come in, just apologize and learn from it, also be glad that you dared to do what you wanted to do.

As Robin Sharma says — “Happiness comes through good judgement, good judgment comes through experience and experience comes through bad judgments.”

Before couple of days, one of my reader friend, texts me saying — “I read your that ‘Stay fit’ article, it was really inspiring and I got inspired by this”. And again before I ask or say anything, another message comes, “since then I am regularly commanding my alarm clock to wake me at 6:45 AM, but in morning it just keeps ringing.” What was I suppose to feel or say? Its good that you thought to become fit. But by just thinking to get fit wont make you fit. Don’t fool yourself dudette (she is going to punch me. ;) ) and bring the change. Be the change.

Obviously, doing is far more tougher than saying. And so lets say you decide that, “I am fine the way I am and let me stay this way” — and in that sense you will just be the part of change, because you too know that even if you want, you won’t be able to “stay the same”.

Looking the deeper side, when you have to take big decisions which are not only limited to you. Obviously, one should stay patient before changing the sides. And sometimes even after doing efforts you may fail. But at some point, not too early not too late, you have to do it repeatedly till you succeed.

“Get up. Go places. Do things. If you don’t fight for what you want, DON’T cry about what you’re stuck with!” — Rev Run

So now as you are here, I am sure you too believe the way I do, then you too should make that first step(if you haven’t) to “be the change”. Believe me its easy. 1) Subscribe my blog and 2) Recommend this post. ☺

Be the change, start with single simple step.

