In 1964, 37 Otherwise Good People Watched Their Neighbor’s Murder | In 2016, 175M Citizens Might Watch Donald Trump Win

Lincoln W Daniel
Inspire the World
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2016

A Murder Was Witnessed by Neighbors

The story is short, but the lesson is grave. In 1964, an murder occurred over the span of a little more than half an hour. It took three attacks by the same man to kill a single individual in Kew Gardens, New York. As the lady attempted to flee to her apartment, neighbors watched has her murderer repeatedly stabbed her. She screamed and cried for help. Unfortunately, what we now know to be the fault of human psychology prevented the victim’s neighbors from being of help to their neighbor in her greatest moments of need. So why didn’t they help? Simple.

Nobody Helped

Psychologists suggest that each neighbor thought that another neighbor would do the deed of helping. Thus, nobody helped. The otherwise good people of Kew Gardens failed to call the police for reasons they cannot explain. Today, decades later, those people are still unsure as why they failed to help their neighbor.

Don’t Think Your Neighbors Will Take Care of Voting

So if you stay home tomorrow, election day 2016, expecting your neighbors to do the service of voting for our next president, are you prepared to explain to your kids why you watched as Donald Trump stole the election?

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Lincoln W Daniel
Inspire the World

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