Stages of Addiction Recovery You Need To Know

Sofia Wilson
Inspire the World
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2017

Youth is the stepping stone to success for any country who wants to become a superpower or to maintain the consistency of economy and technology. But since a decade there are millions of teenagers and adults who die due to drug abuse. The sale of drugs brings fortune to the peddlers and death to the consumers. Yes, consumption of drugs should be frowned upon but also the victim should be heard and healed of this devious abuse. The addiction does not happen in a day. It gradually begins by experimentation, occasional use and finally becoming an addict. Of course, the process is longer than this but to summarize this is how a person becomes an addict. Now, if this drug abuse is not treated there are numerous consequences which may even lead to death.

The consequences such as heavy financial debts which will make the person steal, no control on the body, shivers, tremors and the constant need the of the drug will make the victim meek and depressed. To prevent this, there is a requirement of drug rehab. The awareness regarding drug rehab should be made in such a way that the message reaches across the world. Drug rehabs are possible in various ways. There can be a psychologist who can be consulted, meditation, holistic medicine, etc. can work well for the victim on his path of becoming clean again. Let us learn about steps of addiction recovery by holistic medicine.

What is Holistic medicine and how does it work?

Holistic medicine is a way of curing the victim of drug abuse and cleansing the system of previous consumption. The method is oriented to nature and curing process takes place in such a way that there are no artificial elements required in the therapy. There are several steps required before the person can completely get rid of the substance and start a new life. Let us have a look.

Natural and raw diet

Natural and raw diet For Drug Rehab

The rehabilitation begins with a set diet for the victim. The diet includes all the raw food which is lightly cooked to make it suitable for the human body and make it easy for digestion. The food included in the diet is mainly leafy vegetables, soups, fruits, milk shakes, etc. which are known for the nutrients that help in cleansing the blood and the whole organ system of the body. There is hardly any inclusion of synthetic or artificially prepared dishes which makes sure that there is no contamination in the body.

Yoga and Meditation

This is one of the most important and effective steps which one should perform mandatorily. There are expert and talented yoga teachers who teach yoga to the rehabilitation seekers. Yoga helps to make the body more flexible and make the muscles back working again. Due to drug abuse, the muscles and joints become weak. Yoga helps in waking up the sleeping muscles.

Meditation is equally important for the human body. There are a lot of thoughts that go on in the mind which makes it unstable. There are tremors, shivers, and seizures during withdrawal. Meditation is known for stabilizing the mind and the movements of muscles in the body. It also makes sure that there are no heart palpitations in the initial stages of withdrawal. Meditation can be performed under supervision to make sure that it is done in the right way to make it effective.

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine is the optimum way to get rid of addiction. There are many physicians and psychologists who give heavy dosage medicines that tend to make the human body even more lethargic and weak. Herbal medicines are given by the experts present in the rehab center.

Medications include powdered herbs dried in the sun that can be consumed with water to milk. There are also herbal teas made which help in cleansing the system in such a way that the blood is cleaned and so are the cells and other organs. Herbal medicines are made out of the herbs that are organically grown without adding any kind of insecticides or harmful pesticides.


After these steps, the final step is maintenance and persistence. The person devoid of drugs should practice yoga and meditation along with a natural diet that will keep the body healthy and wise. Thereafter, the herbal medicines should be consumed to make sure that the body is completely rejuvenated and the requirement of substance abuse is gone. The person should make a firm decision in mind to never touch the drug again. Not for recreation and not for experimentation.

There are various rehabilitation centers which offer different treatments other than holistic medicine. The concerned person should do a research about these centers and admit the dear one there.



Sofia Wilson
Inspire the World

Single mother and digital marketing Professional from Kansas :)