This is the only way to make JOY up to you — and it’s super-easy

Amy Oestreicher
Inspire the World
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2017

“Happiness is a butterfly, which once pursued is always beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

How do you keep your resolutions on a life detour?

If you haven’t, it’s okay. Go easy on yourself. My resolution was to relax — I haven’t done much of that yet! February is around the corner, and if you haven’t been keeping your New Year’s resolutions, simplify the rest of your year with one of my favorite mantras:

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Think about the past month. The first month of 2017. Did you create any habits? Break any? If you’ like to learn a bit more about being mindful, check out my post on being in the moment — it’s easier than you think.

How do you be in the moment? See things with new eyes…

Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul. — -W. Somerset Maugham

One of the coolest things about being a human is that we get to make choices. It can also be one of the scariest things. In each moment, we have a choice to make our day whatever we want it to be.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, but we truly do. if you’re having a bad day, you can make a choice. Maybe your choice is to grab a cup of coffee. Maybe your choice is to run into a corner where no one can hear you and screen. Choices can be really simple.

Simple doesn’t mean easy, though. It’s hard being human…because sometimes there seem like way too many choices to choose from! (…like an amazing food spread!)

But sometimes, the most empowering thing is to just know we DO have a choice. There is always something we can do to make any moment more pleasant.

Remember — freedom is a verb.

Medically, I still have my ups and downs — and on my blog, I try to share as much of that as I can, because things are always easier when you can talk about it.

But at even the darkest of times, I try to remind myself that joy can be up to me. Check this out!

My super-secret joy formula is…(by the way, I have tons more of this in my upcoming book, My Beautiful Detour)


I — I create the quality of my life with my ongoing thoughts.

T — The choice of joy or the opposite is mine.

S — See, hear, and feel the way joyful people see, hear, and feel.

U — Unjoy is created by negative T.W.A: thoughts, words, and actions.

P — Perspective makes me happy or unhappy.

T — Talk to yourself the way you would if you were a master of joy.

O — Oneness of humanity gives me many opportunities for kindness.

M — My unconditional joy & love creates a magnificent life.

E — Every moment of joy is stored in my awesome brain and I can access those moments whenever I choose.

It’s my drive to find joy wherever I can that has gotten me this far, I believe.

And it can get you there too.

Safe Travel, Detourists!


(Interested in seeing Gutless & Grateful in New York, or a few other states this year? Check out where I’ll be!)



Amy Oestreicher
Inspire the World

PTSD specialist, artist, author of “My Beautiful Detour” TEDx Speaker, arts & health advocate, actress, playwright touring “Gutless&Grateful”