Liberation from This ‘Life Purpose’

Nav Aulakh
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2018

September 28, 2016

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been searching for my ‘life purpose’.

I’ve travelled the world, lived in a community surrounded by digital nomads and entrepreneurs, made friends with millionaires, travellers, inventors, spiritualists, yoga teachers, surfers etc.

I’ve toyed with the idea of starting my own business in SO many fields but never actually started.

I’ve meditated, with the hopes of finding my purpose through some enlightened spiritual experience. Maybe answers would flow right through me and suddenly I’d know what it is I was meant to do on this earth.

I’ve felt inspired, too many times to keep count, by the passionate go-getters out there who have created some pretty cool things, businesses, experiences, skills and lifestyles that I admired from afar.

I’ve always been running away from something, someone, everyone, thinking I was running towards something bigger and more meaningful.

But today, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

Maybe we are all just spiritual beings put on this earth to have some human experiences, to feel things and share our passions with the world if we want, maybe we’re just playing a role in this game of life and we can be whoever we want.

Maybe I am here to travel and see the world and so are you if that’s what you want.

Maybe I’m here to feel what it’s like to ride a wave. Every time I surf and feel as though I’m living on the edge, I can take another piece of my little adventure.

Maybe I’m here to deepen my yoga practice and push myself to focus, just through being still in a pose for that moment. Or maybe it just feels good to be more flexible.

Maybe I’m here to be around nature and feel what it’s really like to be connected.

Maybe I’m here to appreciate my family and know what unconditional love feels like, to practice affection and compassion, even if it makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Maybe I’m here to connect with people and learn from them, to keep growing, loving expansively, sharing feelings and showing my vulnerability.

Maybe I’m here to live my adventurous moments, to be a free spirit, to have fun and live in the present moment and just BE where I am.

Maybe my purpose is all of the above — keep living life with the flow, while having these occasional human experiences.

Could it really be this simple?

Yes, I just decided it is. I’m finally liberating myself from this so-called ‘purpose in life’ because by living in the moment, doing all of the above and whatever else that decides to come my way, maybe I’m already living my purpose.

Or at least that’s how I feel today.



Nav Aulakh

Let Vulnerability Be Your Strength, Intuition Be Your Guide, Authenticity and Positive Energy Be Your Daily Vibe And Love Be the Expression of Your Soul