Nope, Not Booking a Return Flight

Nav Aulakh
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018

18th March 2017

It’s Saturday evening around 7ish and I’m sitting in my hotel room in Mumbai but my visa expires the next day. I still haven’t booked my flight to Sri Lanka, so I’m on Skyscanner and there’s a flight leaving to Sri Lanka the very next day. But they’ve hiked up the prices now, urgh, seems too crazy to pay.

So I decide to head downstairs and catch dinner, let my mind relax. After enjoying my last meal in India for a while, I go back upstairs to my room and lay down on the bed, relax and enjoy this peace.

It’s suddenly 11.30pm, I pick up my phone and check the flights again. There’s one leaving in 3.5hours (and the prices have come back down again).

Thank you and booked!

I get to the airport and I’m at the check in counter.. ‘ma’am do you have an onwards flight? ‘

Ahh crap!! (I hate booking return flights… What if I want to stay longer) ‘ yeah it’s cool I know it’s a 30 day Visa I’m returning before it expires’

‘But ma’am I need to see the ticket confirmation you must have it on your phone? And immigration will want ask even if I don’t

‘Sure give me a second’

So I go to the side and pretend book a return flight. I take a screenshot of an incomplete booking so I don’t have to decide when I’m leaving SL.

‘Will this do?’

‘Ok sure..’ as he clicks away at his computer ‘Where is the ticket number I can’t see it here?’

‘(Oh man) ‘Oh yeah the ticket number isn’t on here, must be in my email somewhere’

As I’m rummaging around on my phone for my non existent ticket, I look up at him:

‘The Internet here is so slow I can’t load up my email for my ticket’ (because it doesn’t exist!)

And by this time, there are too many other people waiting and they need his time. Luckily, he seems unbothered now so he probably just wants to see me go.

He tells me to go through and Immigration don’t ask anything… Woohoo…I make it to Sri Lanka with this epic sea room view:



Nav Aulakh

Let Vulnerability Be Your Strength, Intuition Be Your Guide, Authenticity and Positive Energy Be Your Daily Vibe And Love Be the Expression of Your Soul