Photography by Christine Garat

Expressing something a little special.

With light, atmosphere and space.

Michael Townsend Williams
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2018


Every month on the BreatheSync Instagram feed we feature an artist that is close to our heart. Afterwards we ask them some questions and share their responses unedited here. Please meet the French creative soul, Christine Garat.

Why did you agree to the collaboration?

I felt honored by your proposal and thought that the approach was very friendly.

How did you approach it?

I have a rather shy nature. I searched among unused photos on Instagram and wondered about their value and aesthetic quality.

How does your relationship with breathing affect your creative work?

Breathing is a major element of my professional activity since I am a sophrologist. It is essential to feel good and positive in your body and mind to approach everything in life. Inspiration and creativity are a big part of it.

Do you have any favorite images that were featured and why?

What I try to represent is the light. Most of the time I like to take pictures when the light expresses something a little special.

Then the space, the atmosphere. My favorite photo would be the one below with a quote by Paulo Coelho.

Any advice for budding photographers or creatives?

I do not have too much advice to give, I would like to receive it, I think :)

There are some accounts that really inspire me, the difficulty is to settle on your own style and not to drift off too much. I would say that the key is to follow your own intuition and to stay true to yourself.

Thank you Christine. If you are inspired to breathe the world better with words and images, please get in touch.

