Vulnerability to Virus of Apple Computers is a Real Distress to You?

A Reality Check on Apple’s Famed Security

MyThoo //
FutureFusion Lab
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2023


Apple has long enjoyed the reputation of being a fortress against malware and viruses. Do you belong to the legion of Apple users who firmly believe their device is a bastion of invulnerability? If so, it’s high time for a reality check.

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In this comprehensive analysis, we’re going to debunk this widespread myth. We will also offer practical ways to shield your Apple computer from cyber threats.

Apple’s Security Evolution: A Brief History

People once considered Mac computers less susceptible to cyberattacks than their Windows counterparts. There’s a grain of truth here, of course. The Unix-based operating system that powers Apple computers is renowned for its robustness.

But let’s not rest on our laurels. We’ll turn to compelling external perspectives to fully grasp the reality of Apple’s cybersecurity.

The McAfee Reality Check: External Viewpoints on Apple’s Cyber Vulnerability

McAfee, a leader in antivirus software, has pinpointed various malware that wreak havoc on Apple devices. Take CookieMiner, for example. This infamous piece…



MyThoo //
FutureFusion Lab

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