Why We Hate Teachers

A Curious American Tradition

John Egelkrout
Inspired Education


Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

You usually do not have to wait long to hear someone bash teachers or for an article in the newspaper to showcase how lousy teachers are. Complaining about teachers has become something of a national pastime, at least in the United States. Gone are the days when educators were revered and looked up to. Gone are the days when teachers were believed when they reported bad behavior. Sadly, also gone are the days when the best and the brightest in the class wanted to become teachers.

Other countries hold their teachers in high esteem, and they are treated like the professionals they are. They are given the time needed to prepare, and they hold their students to high standards. Their integrity is unimpeachable. People in other countries look at how teachers in the United States are viewed and treated and are left scratching their heads. How can it be that the people who are responsible for educating the youth in America are so despised, so hated, by so many?

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

A Brief History of Teacher Hating in the United States



John Egelkrout
Inspired Education

I am a sanity-curious former teacher who works a small organic farm with my wife. I write about politics, social issues, memoirs, and a variety of other topics.