Behind the Cube: Sea Turtles & School Administration

Meet the Learners, Teachers, and Innovators of McGraw-Hill Education

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
3 min readJun 22, 2017


Today’s Highlight: Christopher Wells, Curriculum Specialist, 6–12 Math & Science

We often say we’re #RedCubeProud. That’s because we’re an ever-adapting, forward-thinking group of learners, teachers, and creators with roots in a square logo that is evolving into a “cube”, in reflection of our dimensional, learning science-based approached to EdTech.

Perhaps what makes our team so passionate about our work is that we genuinely care about teachers, students, and fostering productive learning communities. Many of us have been teachers ourselves, and ALL of us are life-long learners.

To give you some insight into our team, we’re taking you Behind the Cube, one #RedCubeProud team member at a time. Today’s highlight:

Christopher Wells, Curriculum Specialist 6–12 Math & Science

Christopher, a scientist, working with sea turtles off the coast of Georgia

What influenced you to become curriculum specialist?

In my last “regular” job, I was a technology director in a school district with over 165,000 students. After 12 years in that role, I decided to take a break and try something different. For about two years, I was a per diem contractor writing grant proposals for school districts, developing curriculum correlations, and designing training modules. When the opportunity to become a full-time curriculum specialist appeared, I decided to give it a try! I am still a certified teacher, and feel that helping teachers reach students, regardless of the subject area, is one of the most important jobs anywhere. I have worked with teachers all over the US and even in other countries, and have been able to build common educational ground in my presentations.

What do you like about working at McGraw-Hill Education?

One of the things I really like about working with MHE is the opportunity to improve education. Whether it is middle school math or high school science, there is always so much to learn. As a scientist, I am fascinated by the variety and depth of topics we offer in our curriculum. I have been very lucky to work with a great team and also to work on some unique projects around the world. The travel can sometimes be grueling, but the positive highlight of that are the colleagues and teachers who are excited to work with me and do some great things in schools!

Why are you passionate about the work that you do?

In past careers, I’ve been a high school science teacher, a global business consultant, and a school district administrator. Throughout all of these experiences, I have been a professional educator. I believe strongly in the value and importance of education, and feel that education and technology are the most important driving forces in our world today. Whether the problem is social equality, health care, technology infusion, or global awareness, the availability of quality education for every child is the foundation for positive social change at a personal and at a cultural level. That is the core of my passion for education.

What are your thoughts on working in the education industry?

Regardless of the political climate, the education industry is still one of the most important industries in the world. Unfortunately, each child has different needs, so developing adaptive and expansive products becomes a challenge to every educator, regardless of the educational environment. I believe we are making a positive difference in the lives of our teachers and students, and I also know that reaching the instructional needs of every teacher and student is a long-term — or lifelong — approach. Being a professional educator is a vocation filled with opportunities!

Find more Behind the Cube by following our Series or past posts here.



McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.