Behind the Cube: Literacy and Bowties

Meet the Teachers, Learners, and Innovators of McGraw-Hill Education

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
3 min readJan 21, 2018


Today’s Highlight: Brandon Harvey, Sr. National Literacy Specialist

We often say we’re #RedCubeProud. That’s because we’re an ever-adapting, forward-thinking group of learners, teachers, and creators with roots in a square logo that is evolving into a “cube”, in reflection of our dimensional, learning science-based approached to EdTech.

Perhaps what makes our team so passionate about our work is that we genuinely care about teachers, students, and fostering productive learning communities. Many of us have been teachers ourselves, and ALL of us are life-long learners.

To give you some insight into our team, we’re taking you Behind the Cube, one #RedCubeProud team member at a time. Today’s highlight:

Brandon Harvey, Sr. National Literacy Specialist

Describe your role at McGraw-Hill Education. How did you get here?

I am a Sr. National Literacy Specialist at McGraw-Hill Education. I had been a classroom teacher for grades 3rd-5th grade before I started at McGraw-Hill Education in 2004 as a consultant for the Texas/Southwest team. About four years ago I was promoted to the national team. Now I just focus on PreK-6th grade literacy, specifically Wonders.

If you could pick one favorite memory of your time here so far, what would it be?

I was honored to record movement and song videos for the Wonders program! I love visiting classrooms as “Bow Tie Brandon” and seeing how my activities are being used in classrooms all over the country.

What’s special about working for a Learning Science company, and in the education industry?

The people. I love working with the people “behind the brand”. Everyone, from people in the field working closely with teachers and schools all the way up to the academic designers, editors, and our Wonders authors care so deeply about putting the very best materials in the hands of teachers and students! Every meeting I attend we ask, “what is best for students”? And all these people are just nice and kind. It makes me proud to be making a difference in education.

What changes and developments do you see for the learning community at large — education companies, teachers, students — in the next few years?

In the PreK-6th grade education space I see materials becoming more modular and flexible. I see that we want to give more student and teacher choice with structure in our materials. Digital will continue to be important and should be there to help make teacher’s daily lives easier and lessons more engaging. However, elementary teachers and students still want and need print materials. I believe that we are currently in a time and space to “rebrand” our image and our perception to educators. MHE is so much more than just a basal textbook company!

Find more Behind the Cube by following our Series or past posts here.



McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.