Get to Know Us: Go Behind the Cube with McGraw-Hill Education

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018


At McGraw-Hill Education, our symbol is a cube: derived from our classic square logo, to reflect our evolution as we support educators in teaching and learning into the digital era. This series of posts is intended to take you behind the cube — directly into our community so you can get a sense of the people who work to create powerful resources for teaching and learning. You’ll find that many of the people you encounter were teachers before they came to work here, and many more consider themselves to be life-long learners. Each has a story, talents, and is a unique, valuable asset to our larger mission to empower teachers and students.

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Marilen Doup, Administrative Coordinator for Academic Design. Marilen has had incredible experiences in her lifetime, and we’re thankful to have her on our team. Here’s what she wanted to share with you:

Marilen dip net fishing in Alaska

Tell us about yourself. What are some of the roles you’ve had or things you’ve done before you came to McGraw-Hill Education?

I was born, raised, and educated in Manila, Philippines. I lived and worked in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for four years where I met my husband Paul who is from Mt. Vernon, Ohio. We have four sons, a step daughter and four grandchildren.

After leaving Saudi Arabia, my husband and I lived in Mt. Vernon and Columbus, Ohio; Carrollton, Texas; Naples, Italy; Newport News, Virginia; Manila, Philippines; and Anchorage, Alaska.

Prior to coming to McGraw-Hill Education, I was a Product Analyst for the largest telecom company in Anchorage, as well as a language interpreter for the Alaska Immigration Justice System.

What’s your favorite part of your job now?

My favorite thing about my current job is my daily interaction with a very good group of diverse and dynamic people who strive to make a difference in education. My role as an Admin Coordinator is quite challenging and interesting at the same time. Among other things, I handle extensive calendaring and complex travel itineraries. Challenge is where I thrive the most.

What’s your favorite memory from your time so far at McGraw-Hill Education?

My favorite memory so far is when I was interviewing for this job. The interviewer was very upbeat, engaging and positive about not only the position I was applying for but about the company. I sensed that McGraw-Hill Education has the best interest of the students and teachers and publishes great, quality instructional materials. I knew then in my heart that this is the place where I want to be and contribute to its success, in my own way.

What are you most excited about in the future for your role?

What I am most excited about in the future for my role is to be a trail blazer in diversity and inclusion. Having travelled and worked locally and internationally, I am excited to bring diversity to my work. Education is not only limited to the classroom but to everyday living, travel and experiences.

I am excited to learn more of what it takes to publish instructional materials that will shape the future leaders of our society. I am excited that one day, children from across the globe will have access to good and quality education regardless of their status. That someday education will be affordable to many and not just a few. Education is a knowledge that no one can take away from you.

Find more Behind the Cube by following our Series or past posts here.



McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.