K-12 Thought Leaders on Teaching English Learners

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2017

To help you be mindful of the bilingual children and English Learners in your classroom, we’ve gathered a few of our favorite videos from literacy thought leaders in the K-12 space. Below, you’ll find snippets of interviews with Dr. Diane August, Jana Echevarria, and Peggy Cerna on the challenges and opportunities that come with working with English Learners and bilingual students. If you learn something valuable that you’d like to take back to your classroom, be sure to share with colleagues!

Dr. Diane August on the Needs of English Language Newcomers

All ELs have unique needs and learning experiences. But English Language Newcomers face their own set of challenges in entering learning communities with linguistic barriers. In this video, Dr. Diane August outlines strategies educators can use to be sure they are meeting English Language Newcomers’ needs and providing them with an opportunity to flourish.

Jana Echevarria on Ensuring Equity and Access for English Learners

It’s important to ensure that English Learners have access to rigorous academic content. Maintaining high standards communicates to students that teachers to believe in their ability to succeed. Jana Echevarria breaks it down:

Peggy Cerna on the Ideal Outcome of Dual Language Instruction

Dual language instruction is about communication, collaboration, and experience. Peggy Cerna dives into the core purpose of dual language instruction:

Jana Echevarria on Changes in English Language Development Instruction

As classroom populations and needs change, instruction for English Learners will evolve and improve to better suit the learning demands of ELs. Jana Echevarria discusses how time spent in EL instruction will change over the next 5 years:

Peggy Cerna on Developing English While Treasuring Different Heritages

It’s crucial that EL instructors be mindful of a child’s relationship to culture and heritage, especially when it involves linguistic skills. (Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month is a perfect time to explore how you can make that happen!) Peggy Cerna has more:

Dr. Diane August on Dual Language Instruction in the Classroom

Making dual language instruction a successful reality may seem overwhelming. In practice, it often comes down to persistence, student validation, and teacher intuition. Dr. Diane August goes in depth with a specific classroom story:



McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.