Navigate Your Science of Learning Journey With This Training Calendar

By Jenn, Kindergarten Teacher

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
6 min readApr 10, 2023


Teaching, as a career, used to be consistent and predictable. Then, 2020 came along and changed everything. Whether you were flexible or not, you had to find a way to deliver your instruction differently. This presented itself as the perfect opportunity for me to begin my journey into instruction based on the body of evidence known as the “Science of Reading” (1) or “SoR” for short. There was a lot of information back in 2020, and there is even more information available now. In what can feel like a tidal wave of information, how do you sort through and find the accurate information?

The Journey

The journey toward more effective and equitable instruction is rewarding and powerful, however, it can also be emotional and exhausting as well. There are weeks where we make great strides and days where it feels like we must go one moment at a time. As the words of Maya Angelou remind us, “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better” (2). Be gentle with yourself but stay focused on the fact that our goal is creating a future filled with literacy for all members of our society.

Now that you are beginning your journey, you are going to need some support! It is my hope that you will find others in your local district that are also ready to improve instruction in your community. These colleagues can help with encouragement and planning along the way. Your students will provide moments of validation, growth, joy, and even some stress, frustration, and sadness. It is important to recall that the struggles of 2020 also provided teachers with a unique opportunity to share ideas and network across communities, states, and even countries. There is a whole online community ready to help you along the way!

At the beginning of 2023, trainings began to be posted quickly and by a number of different people and organizations. There were so many amazing speakers and opportunities for growth and development. Even better? Almost all of them were offered free of charge and had recordings available if you were unable to attend live. After chatting with some of the people I consistently saw in the trainings I was attending, we noted a problem. We were starting to have trouble remembering which trainings we signed up for on which day, or which time zone, or who we were supposed to be seeing at the event.

The Calendar

We needed a calendar. One that we all could see. One that we all could add events to. One that we could share with anyone looking to further their knowledge and know that they were picking trainings that would be worthy of the time and knowledge investment. I got to work finding the right platform, and we tried a few. Next, I invited knowledgeable people that I frequently attend trainings with to help add events to the calendar. We each have different areas of expertise and locations, ensuring a variety of options for a diverse set of opportunities to be listed at any time.

Access the Science of Learning Training Calendar:

The Team

  1. Jenn: Kindergarten Teacher, PA (full bio at conclusion) @embracethesor
  2. Arti: Podcast Host, Teller of Stories, Speech and Language Pathologist, Lover of Nature, Living Narrative, Australia. @artishah10 @huma.nchapters
  3. Elise: Decodable Book Author, Literacy Advocate, Promoter of Instruction Based in the Science of Reading, Proud Mama, CA. @eliselovejoy @ExpressReaders
  4. Elizabeth: CERI Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist, Educational Consultant, Netherlands. @guidingliteracy
  5. Kim: Second Language Special Education Teacher with Orton-Gillingham Training. M.Ed, Science of Reading advocate, Ontario. @MmeLockhartLDSB
  6. Melanie: Founder Decoding Dyslexia QUEBEC. CERI Structured Literacy Teacher. OGA. Mother to an amazing dyslexic, Quebec. @melbrethour
  7. Missy: Dyslexia mom & former balanced literacy teacher who saw the SOR light and now advocates for EVIDENCED based literacy so that EVERY kid can learn to read, GA. @missypurcell1
  8. Rachel: 1st Grade Teacher, Orton-Gillingham Trained. Science of Reading Advocate, GA. @teachrachelsor

The Events

The events listed on the calendar are reviewed by the team. Any events that are listed have been selected as being representative of the body of evidence known as the “Science of Reading” or similarly related topics. Other areas of education are beginning to join the discussion about how to help all children become literate members of society. These areas include discussions related to background knowledge, writing, vocabulary, as well as foundational skills such as phonemic awareness and phonics, and fluency.

As the Science of Math discussion continues to evolve and share research-based practices, we will be adding and sharing any events related to this also important area of education. While it is an important focus, reading is not the only focus. A large majority of the webinars and trainings on the calendar are free. Any with cost are noted right in the title for easy browsing. We also include links for sign-up, dates, and a short description so anyone browsing can quickly and easily find events that fit exactly what they are looking for in very little time. There is a form at the bottom of the calendar to submit a training if anyone sees one we missed. We are aware we could miss or forget to add some to the list.

The Group

We have quickly realized the need for a place to not only list training links, but also allow for safe and welcoming discussions. We created a Facebook group to allow for questions and discussion about training and things related to the science of learning. The group is an expansion of the calendar. Anyone joining is asked to answer the questions and agree to the group rules. All levels of knowledge are welcome. We hope to see you there soon!

Wait…there’s more!

There are a few bonus sections listed on my website that you will also find helpful if you are looking to improve your knowledge and enhance your instruction:

The calendar and additional links are frequently updated. Many of the events listed on the calendar offer a recording to anyone who signs up to attend, even if they do not attend live. This is a great option if you want to hear a particular speaker or topic and are not available at the live time. Additionally, if your district or state requires professional development hours, some events offer certificates of attendance or other verification you can use to fulfill those requirements. You will want to check with your individual district and state to confirm eligibility.

Have you started your journey toward better instruction in your classroom or teaching? What do you find to be the most rewarding? The most challenging? If you have done any trainings, which speakers are your favorite? I always try to attend any events featuring Anita Archer, Louisa Moats, Mary Dahlgren, or Pam Kastner. I wish each of you the best as you continue your journey of shaping the future. Remember, the most important resource in the classroom is you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I hope that you have found it helpful. I left my social contacts below, please reach out to me or any of the team if we can be of assistance.



(2), 2:27

Jenn is a Pennsylvania kindergarten teacher, McGraw Hill TAB member, ClassTag Lead Adviser, member of both The Reading League and the International Dyslexia Association — as well as the PA branch of both organizations. She has her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction: Reading and is Orton-Gillingham Level 1 Reading and Basic Concepts Math trained. She has completed The Reading Teacher’s Top 10 Tools, Dr. Sally Shaywitz’s Overcoming Dyslexia course, the PaTTAN PA Science of Reading: Knowledge Course in fulfillment of Chapter 49 Structured Literacy amendments, as well as many other trainings.

You can find Jenn on social media:

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McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

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