[Series] Assessment Optimization #1: A Shared Vision

4 Steps to Optimizing Assessment and Boosting Achievement

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
3 min readFeb 15, 2017


It’s truly remarkable how much time, effort, resources, and dedication go into creating a single learning moment for a single student. One child’s learning effort and creative process is supported and empowered by so many moving parts: there are subject matter experts who have spent their entire lives studying and repackaging that study for growing minds, there are powerful technologies that adapt and readjust to a student’s individual learning needs, there is an entire community of educators and administrators (both in the classroom and behind the scenes), and there is a network of student performance data that educators can use to inform that individual student’s next learning moment. Of course, it might not feel so harmonious to the educators on the front lines, in that moment, with 30+ students to attend to and standards to implement. But no part of that equation can be neglected — especially the student data. Insights gleaned from assessment have the potential to make that support system all the more efficient, effective, and powerful. But optimizing assessment isn’t easy. That’s why we’ve put together four steps for optimizing assessment and boosting student achievement: to give you the tangible, actionable tools you need to make the most of every learning moment.

To discover all four steps of the Assessment Optimization Process, download our assessment planning guide.

This guide, created by assessment experts at McGraw-Hill Education, can help drive student growth and achievement in your district by honing in on your assessment plan. The guide outlines a simple four-step process to assessment optimization, which your district can then use to bring all the moving parts that support a child’s learning moment a little closer to functioning in harmony. To give you an idea of what you can expect in the guide, we’ve broken out the basics of the four steps of the McGraw-Hill Education Assessment Optimization Process. Read on to discover the first step →

Step #1: Develop a Shared Vision for Assessment

To start thinking about your district’s assessment plan, begin with your community of teachers and administrators. Where do they currently stand in their perspective on assessment? How are they currently implementing assessment in the classroom, and making use of assessment data? This will also involve thinking beyond your school’s walls. Who in your community might have input that can be considered? A student’s learning moment truly depends on more than teachers and administrators — parents might have some insights that could really enrich your plan. Once you’re sure that every relevant voice has been accounted for, it’s time to start the conversation. Your shared vision should address:

  1. Your district’s goals for assessment
  2. What you plan to do with assessment data
  3. How various types of assessment can be used to accomplish your goals
  4. What changes need to be made to current assessment strategies
  5. The specific purpose of each type of assessment you plan to implement
  6. What resources will be available to teachers to build effective assessment material

Think of this conversation as a kick-off to your larger mission of optimizing assessment, and as the key time for ideating your vision. Get specific, set measurable goals, and take all perspectives into account. Think about the process of assessment as well as the end result. Every moment a student spends in the classroom is precious — and assessment presents us with the opportunity to make the instruction a student receives within in that moment purposeful and effective.

For example assessment goals, research-proven best practices for assessment implementation, and strategy tips, download the full assessment planning guide here:

4 Steps to Optimizing Assessment and Boosting Student Achievement

To begin exploring assessment tool options, check out Engrade® — a powerful platform that brings together the best of learning management systems and assessment solutions to help teachers unite curriculum and data.



McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.