The Future Ready Librarian

McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2016

🙋 Interested in learning more about Future Ready Librarians? Check out this webinar from Future Ready Schools, “Future Ready Librarians: Empowering Students as Creators” featuring Traci Chun, Teacher Librarian Lead, Skyview High School and Vancouver Public Schools (WA) and
Diana Rendina, Media specialist, Tampa Preparatory School (FL). Catch the live webinar on 6/13 or view the recorded version here.

A Future Ready school is a network of supportive and collaborative educators, a learning community in which the responsibility of empowering and preparing students for the workplace of tomorrow is achieved through a communal growth mindset. No member of any learning space should be overlooked as an integral part of that support system: so this week, we’re taking a look at how Librarians function as leaders in every school, and how they can support districts in becoming #FutureReady.

Librarians hold a unique and potentially powerful space in the implementation of educational technology and career readiness. Future Ready Schools, who, as many educators already know, is a leader in implementing research-based digital learning strategies, believes in the valuable influence of school librarians. To them, as long as librarians are “properly prepared and supported”, they’re “well positioned to be at the leading edge of the digital transformation of learning”. We agree: Librarians open doors for students to understand technology and gain powerful analytical skills. They’re an integral part of every learning community, and have the capabilities to make monumental changes.

Discover the many roles of a #FutureReady Librarian:

To get inspired about your role in the exciting field of education, or to hear from others who occupy different spaces in learning communities, visit our collection of teacher perspectives:



McGraw Hill
Inspired Ideas

Helping educators and students find their path to what’s possible. No matter where the starting point may be.