Why the Convoy Chaos is No Surprise… to Those Paying Attention


Says it all.

I’ve been admittedly on the fence when it comes to mandates, and absolutely see both sides of the issue. I’ve avoided posting to take time to make up my mind. As I believe we all should be.

While on principle I tend to avoid posting YouTube content and choose researched articles instead, this ZDoggMD video shares a similar view that I have. Yet that said, to me it always comes down to numbers: If it can be shown that mandates save lives by increasing vaccination rates, then I am generally for them as a health professional with public health in mind. Lives trump a temporary loss in personal freedoms in a contagious pandemic, as it seems the vast majority of Canadians agree — in our democracy.

If you strongly do not agree, as I show, it might be wise to look into eugenics/ableism (also this) — and the right-wing commentators who you follow, who as I’ll show are getting increasingly desperate — and increasingly dangerous.

In either case this is a complex issue but now from my view, this is becoming less about mandates themselves, and leading towards something else entirely. Let’s examine how what began as a valid workers movement, was hijacked and derailed by far-right elements.



Matt Walton R.TCMP | RootsToSky.com
Inspired Warriors Magazine

Writing at the intersections of Health + Colonialism + Relationships + Misinformation | Toronto’s Leading Eastern Medicine Mental & Sexual Health Professional