Towards an Integrated Future of Nutrition: Ancient Wisdom


Note: Post-Pandemic, this article has *many updates in the pipeline as I finalize my Inspired Health Handbook. It is one of my older overviews — but still absolutely valid!

A Re-Evolution in Diet & Optimal Health…

How do we move into a new future of health & vitality… beyond being simply disease free — but also free from the often overlooked subtle states of chronic poor health that plague today’s world?

Roots to Sky believes that we must disidentify with the modern approach of hairsplitting our foods into counting isolated chemical components, and must instead zoom out to see the whole picture. And even further, to retrace our steps back to learn how we arrived to this backwards state of health in the first place.

What follows is both a spiral timeline and a step-by-step guide that crystallizes the nutrition strategy of Roots to Sky…

The issue of Grains

For well over 10 years of research, I continue to be firmly (but flexibly) in the camp that we modern humans would all benefit from having significantly fewer grains in our diets. This is specifically and simply because we are consuming them far beyond what our pre-agricultural ancestors did — and not how our pre-historic genetics…



Matt Walton R.TCMP |
Inspired Warriors Magazine

Writing at the intersections of Health + Colonialism + Relationships + Misinformation | Toronto’s Leading Eastern Medicine Mental & Sexual Health Professional