Welcome Warriors & Call for Submissions (Revised for campaign launch 2024)

Welcome Warriors — Matt here, the director of RootsToSky.com and the upcoming InspiredLiving.studio and senior editor of this publication.

Our community believes that by cultivating the soil of our lives — mind-body health for our unique beings — and then adding a little guidance, clarity and determination to our path, we can blossom into our greatest potentials: heart-based presence, compassion for self & others, sustainable living, and wholistic success.

Sound new agey? We’re everything but.

We seek to reclaim terms like “inspired” and “warriors” from influencers; to validate traditional medicines against colonialism and quackery; to separate the misfiring of conspiracy theories from anti-capitalist activism. We seek actual structural solutions to the problems we face today and in our colonialist past, and how they are interlinked. And in doing so we aim to regenerate our inherent human need for community especially as a tool for legitimate mental health support in this era of social media isolation. We have an Inspired vision of a sustainable Mutual Aid world, and act as Warriors in our own to help build it.

Because “Inspired Warriors” understand the interconnected Roots of the issues we face today. Because Herbs & Nutrition ties into Fitness which ties into Mental Health which ties into Relationships which leads to LGBTQ+ rights which leads to Anti-racism which ties into First Nations which ties into Sustainability which leads back into Health & Wellness — of people and planet.

And “Inspired Living” is practicing and embodying these visions of a new world, reaching our Sky. Because struggle to Live Inspired is universal.


  • What inspires & motivates you
  • Empowers activism in all its forms, from direct democracy to mutual aid to direct action
  • Returns you to presence, heart-based living & productivity
  • Embodies ancestral human wisdom, sustainability & privilege education
  • Promotes scientific literacy, debunking misinformation, and general critical thinking skills in this “post truth” era.
  • Current struggles, lessons, or questions in your journey of life
  • Health tips that aren’t common knowledge
  • What sustains our home Gaia
  • Feel free to post events you’ll be hosting or think we’d all love to know about!


Please keep overly New Age-ist topics to a minimum. Let’s be as accessible to people from all walks of life as possible. This group is not about ‘ascension’ but instead is about fully embodying and working with the ups AND downs of what it means to be human.

If your article meets these general guidelines, please feel free to submit your writing to our editors, we’re happy to share the growth! Stay tuned, there is much more on the way 😉


Reach out with your proposals/submission requests by joining our new LinkedIn Focus Group! (Preferred method)

Or by submitting directly — use this Medium Help page to get started (but we’d definitely prefer to meet you using the method above!

And please join and share in our Facebook Community to keep in the general loop of everything we represent!

In Health & Inspiration
~Matt, Roots to Sky & The Inspired Living Collective, Jan 2024



Matt Walton R.TCMP | RootsToSky.com
Inspired Warriors Magazine

Writing at the intersections of Health + Colonialism + Relationships + Misinformation | Toronto’s Leading Eastern Medicine Mental & Sexual Health Professional