3 Things I Can’t Live Without in My Freelance Writing Career

Besides my laptop

Kit Campoy
Inspired Writer


A woman with curly brown hair sits on metal steps smiling. A laptop is on her lap and a healthy juice in her hand. She’s wearing a red and white striped top and white jeans.
Photo by Blue Bird on Pexels

Seven months ago, I left my retail career behind.

I worked so hard to get to, essentially, the middle of the retail game. I ran the largest, busiest store my company had to offer. The next step for me would’ve been a District Manager position, but I realized I didn’t want that.

As I left retail behind, I felt confident in my abilities to run a business and start my own thing. Whatever I didn’t know, I’d figure it out along the way.

You can’t know everything, and you have to be okay, kind of winging it.

I had a crash course in writing online through writing on Medium. I used the platform every day to read and write personal essays. I built a portfolio here that landed me my first freelance gig.

I knew I’d need other tools to help me, but I would figure that out as I went.

These three things have been the biggest help to me.


Yep, that LinkedIn.

People hate on LinkedIn, but I’ve landed several clients there simply by posting daily. Most days, I advocate for retail leaders and let people in on what it’s really like to work in customer service.

Leadership and writing are also topics I post about.

These three topics have connected me with a vast audience and led me to work with some inspiring people.

I landed two new clients there in August. The best part? Their work is awesome, and I get to help them do more of what they love.

Don’t underestimate the platform.


Bonsai lets you do some pretty cool stuff if you are a solo entrepreneur. There is a monthly fee here, but it’s worth it. The site generates proposals, contracts, and invoices. It even has a time tracking function.

They have a variety of templates, and everything is customizable. It’s easy to swap out photos or text that you like better. All that stuff would’ve taken me forever if I had to generate it all alone.

Contracts are essential to your business. Get one before you start any work. You may think that you and your client are on the same page, but you may not be. When it’s in a contract, you will be on the same page for sure.

Everything is laid out. When the work starts, ends, and what work will be delivered. You want an end date. If your client wants more, you can simply create a new contract. No biggie.

Don’t leave things open-ended.

The software also has a tax function that I haven’t used yet, so I’ll let you know how that goes later.

As I began to add clients, this site was a huge help. It keeps my projects organized, and I’m never left wondering if someone has paid me.


You may be familiar with Canva. The site has a huge following, and for good reason. They offer so much for free!

I’ve been able to create everything I need to with the free version of Canva.

Recently, I used one of their templates for a letter of recommendation for someone. I created my LinkedIn banner there and used it to re-size photos for various platforms.

I’ve created a couple logos there too. I write a newsletter on LinkedIn called the Leadership Field Guide, and I also made that logo in Canva. It’s super easy to swap out colors and graphics.

Head over there and check it out. They have templates for everything. They have templates for stuff you didn’t know you needed.

Get lost for a little while.

You can be your own business

A million companies are vying for your attention. It can be confusing to try to compare them all.

These three have been what I’ve used the most and what I keep going back to. They’re the ones where I’ve thought, Oh man, I’m so glad I have this!

LinkedIn to showcase your personality and talents, Bonsai for contracts and invoicing, and Canva for creating logos and banners.

Being a one-person business is a lot of work, but it’s worth it.

My corporate background collided with my creative talents, and now I can work from anywhere. So can you.

See you on the road.

Kit Campoy is a freelance writer based in Southern California. She covers Web3, travel, leadership, retail, writing, and more. She also writes personal essays on Medium. Connect with Kit on LinkedIn, DeSo, and Twitter. Give yourself a break, and join her weekly newsletter.



Kit Campoy
Inspired Writer

I get to the point. Retail Leader → Freelance Writer. Leadership| Business| Web3| https://kitcampoy.com