3 Ways Staying Calm Gets More Work Done

And why you should chase calmness over productivity

Shreya Dalela
Inspired Writer


I’m one of those people who have a lot of dreams and interests. Every single day I wake up, I’m slightly overwhelmed by everything I want to get done in the day.

My typical day involves writing, assigning work to my interns and managing them, 3 hours of training as a dancer, creating and editing a dance video, and attending to my house chores.

If you’re like me, then you might also struggle with the constant anxiety that comes with overflowing to-do lists.

But, what if I told you it’s completely possible to optimize your workflow for calmness. Yes, calmness, not productivity. Because when you’re calm, you automatically stop chasing productivity and just get things done!

1. Focus on ‘completing’ the tasks

When anxious, you might end up jumping from one task to another. Do you ever feel like you were working all day but didn’t really get anything done as planned?

Multitasking makes you feel like you’re accomplishing a lot. But the reality is quite different. You just tire yourself out by keeping your brain loaded all the time.



Shreya Dalela
Inspired Writer

Copywriter & Digital Strategist. Helps companies and individuals create a powerful brand voice and effective content marketing strategies. www.shreyadalela.com