3 Ways To Generate New Ideas For Your Writing

How to write every day without boring yourself (and your audience)

Shreya Dalela
Inspired Writer


Source — Unsplash

The advice to show up and write every single day is everywhere. I’ve read it a dozen times. In fact, I’ve mentioned it in at least 5 of my own articles.

But let’s face it — We don’t always interesting things to write about. Do we?

In such a scenario, the whole ritual of writing every day might leave you churning out the same set of advice in ten different ways. This might help you satisfy your goal of being regular with your writing. But might leave you feeling bored and a little depleted in the process.

Yesterday, I submitted my article to a publication and the editor left a note saying — “This has some good information but it is a bit generic.”

And it got me thinking — How can I make my articles more exciting for myself, my readers as well as my editors?

Source — Unsplash

Here are some of the ideas from my research. Hope you find them interesting and they help you churn out fresh ideas for your writing —

1. Look Inside



Shreya Dalela
Inspired Writer

Copywriter & Digital Strategist. Helps companies and individuals create a powerful brand voice and effective content marketing strategies. www.shreyadalela.com