4 Things to Add to Your Magazine Article That Your Editor Will Love

Make their job easier and they’ll want to work with you again

Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach
Inspired Writer


After 11 years of writing for magazines and newspapers, I’ve found there are a few easy ways to impress your editor and make them more likely to pick you for their next commissioned job.

If you include these four elements in your final article, you make your editor’s job a lot easier and, as busy people, they will love you for it.

1. A Standfirst

A standfirst (also called a sell or a kicker) is the first paragraph of your article. It goes above the article in bold and summarizes the content. Often it includes your name as the writer and if you’ve interviewed someone, their name as well. Most magazines have a preferred style for their standfirsts.

Some like very straight forward short descriptions including the author’s name. Here are two I’ve written for a magazine that likes this style:

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Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach
Inspired Writer

New Zealand-based essayist | @ Business Insider, Mamamia, Oh Reader, Thought Catalog, ScaryMommy and more. Say hi at https://becauseyouwrite.substack.com/