5 Beliefs I Needed to Change So I Could Grow

A decade of growth that makes me cringe at my old self

Sabrina Sourjah
Inspired Writer


Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

I’m a 36-year-old, liberal woman with a mortgage for a condo. At 27, I bought a one-way ticket to Oregon, US to pursue my fully-funded MBA. I was living in Sri Lanka at that time and didn’t know jack about Oregon. I only knew that I needed to leave then.

Most of us grow and improve our attitudes and outlook with age. That growth is linear if you don’t make drastic changes in life. That is if you continue to live in your birth city or country your whole life. Or if you follow the prescribed corporate ladder to a T.

But if you make radical changes like moving countries or changing careers, your growth can be made exponential. Your existing belief system will be challenged and you will re-think what you’ve been taught.

This happened to me when I moved to the US. I didn’t know this at that time, but I was disrupting myself.

Because I moved to the US without listening to any naysayers, a smalltime girl from South Asia like me got to work for a Fortune 100 company for almost five years. My exposure to the latest management techniques and technologies was eons apart from what my contemporaries in Sri Lanka were being exposed to.

