5 Money Myths I Busted After Quitting My Job

Learning these lessons set me on the path to financial freedom.

Vishal Kataria
Inspired Writer


Everyone wants three things in life: to be fit, rich, and happy. — Naval Ravikant

About seven years ago, I realized the corporate world would not help me achieve either of these. I worked at two companies after my MBA. None of them offered a sense of fulfillment or opportunities to grow.

I realized that I could only be happy if I worked for myself. So I quit the corporate world and began freelancing as a writer. I spent a few years as a freelance management consultant before starting my own firm.

The last seven years have been the most interesting rollercoaster ride ever, though rollercoasters frighten me. They’ve educated me and helped me evolve at every turn.

I’ve had the freedom to do what I want. But I’ve also learned that I’m directly responsible for my actions.

I’ve also busted many myths in my own mind in the meantime, especially when it comes to money. I’m no expert on managing money yet. But I’ve developed a better perspective about this essential ‘means to an end’, and continue to learn.



Vishal Kataria
Inspired Writer

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.