A Server’s Lifestyle in the Restaurant Industry

How not living the nine to five is more productive for us

Jennifer Pitts
Inspired Writer


By ELEVATE from Pexels

I was so excited when I went to school and took Travel and Tourism. Taking this course generated a new career as a travel agent. I got hired by American Express to work on the Government of Canada account.

As I walked into my cubical with my new office clothes at twenty-three, I felt that I had made it. I had something to talk about, I was a travel agent, and I had done something with my life.

The first year was fantastic as I worked my nine to five, with weekends off. I received my first salary and bonus twice a year. Medical benefits followed after six months of working.

Unfortunately, the novelties wore off during the second year. I noticed myself staring at the clock waiting for 5 pm every day. I found myself reading smut magazines about the latest Hollywood gossip. I used every sick day possible, enough not to get fired, and as I would catnap under my desk with my headset on like Geroge Costanza waiting for calls, I began to realize the nine to five career wasn’t as exciting.

After my first child was born, I decided to leave the nine to five behind and go back to a business that I’ve always enjoyed. This unique and under-the-radar industry can be expansive for…

