After 2 Years In Exile, My First Overseas Trip Went Horribly Wrong

Trying to stay positive while being positive

Ash Jurberg
Inspired Writer
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2022


Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.

I used to think that was a cheap throwaway line, a corny cliche. But that was BC — Before COVID. Now the phrase resonates with me.

In BC times, my life revolved around travel. I owned a travel business, and I had traveled to over 100 countries. So instead of spending money on a car or a fancy house, most of my dollars went towards travel—the best investment ever.

That all changed when Australia closed its borders for 22 months. Instead of conversing with locals at a cafe down an alley in Medellin or cuddling a cheetah in Namibia, I was binging Netflix, and my travels were limited to a three-mile radius. My lifeblood — financially and spiritually was cut off, and I was sentenced to what seemed like solitary confinement.

Woe was me.

It was even worse for my partner, who was kept apart from her friends and family in Texas. It’s a small world — until you can’t travel.

Welcome to travel exile.

The moment in time

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