Inspired Writer Contest Winner

Blue Possession

A love story told in color

Carlyn Beccia
Inspired Writer
Published in
6 min readJul 31, 2020


Blue Possession: A love story told in color — how abuse changes you
Artwork: © Carlyn Beccia |

J. Edgar* was colored by blue. That shade found so rarely in nature. Early humans could not see the color blue. It was not until we started to make blue pigments 20,000 years ago that the color blue was even given a name.

There’s power in a name. When you name something, it becomes a thing you possess.

He wanted to name me.

“Tell me you are mine.”

Mine — I heard that word a lot in the first months of our romance. He ended a poem once with that one word.

“Yes, I am yours. Yes, I am yours…”

I repeated it like a prayer to make us come true. I let possession wash over me as if it could purge the parts of our alchemy that were bound to combust. A crude oil heated to a boiling point of no return. I was a fossil made pure.

In those early days, we walked through our broken pasts and found small spaces of calm to dream big. We gorged ourselves on philosophy, history, science, and laughter. And when our mouths were exhausted and our hunger sated, we explored each other’s bodies in braille only we could read.

With alcoholics, they call this calm before the storm “on the wagon.” But abuse is never a…



Carlyn Beccia
Inspired Writer

Award-winning author of 13 books. My latest: 10 AT 10: The Surprising Childhoods of 10 Remarkable People, MONSTROUS: The Lore, Gore, & Science.