Constraints Bring Freedom

A simple writing exercise can jumpstart the flow of words

Vivian McInerny
Inspired Writer


Photo by Jean Scheijen from

My brain can be a bit bossy.

It doesn’t always cooperate when I want to write.

Sometimes I’m eager and ready to put words on paper but my brain behaves like a high speed-blender making pulp of a thesaurus. My words smoosh together.

Other times, after hours of procrastination, I finally get myself seated in front of a keyboard, only to discover my brain has left its vessel.

Either way, I find myself not only staring at a blank screen but also beating myself up for being unproductive.

Writing prompts can have a calming effect or be the kick in the brain pants I might need.

I discovered the wonder of prompts at the first writing conference I ever attended called Fishtrap in Eastern Oregon. The instructor was soon to be a best-selling Oprah-picked author. But at the time, Ursula Hegi was a relatively unknown writer and assistant professor at Eastern Washington University.

She told everyone to think about an object that meant something to them, paused, and then told us to write about it for ten minutes.

What!?! People said they couldn’t think of anything. People said ten minutes wasn’t long enough. People…



Vivian McInerny
Inspired Writer

Career journalist, essayist, fiction writer, and life-long spirit-quester.