Dumb Writing Mistake #1. Should You Write For Readers Or Yourself?

Anyone who tells you which is right? 😕 Is wrong! 😊

Linda Caroll
Inspired Writer


Oops. She made a dumb mistake. Photo from pexels

Here’s a thing writers love to argue about.

Should you write for your audience, or should you write for yourself?

Then they debate for hours.


Some people will say you “have to” write for yourself. Or it’s all just fakey fake pandering and it’s not genuine. Blah, blah. Other people say if you’re not writing for your audience, it’s no wonder you’re struggling.

Shame, shame. Finger wagging and blame.

Blah, blah, blah.

It’s a wonderful distraction if you’re looking for one. You know, instead of putting your butt in the chair and getting the actual writing done.

But otherwise?

What a dumb discussion. Sorry. Truth.

I’m so done with bad advice for writers I’m writing a “dumb mistakes” series. If you want to read it, sign up to get my posts by email because you sure as heck can’t count on the feed to show what you want to see.

So. Dumb mistake #1.

Should you write for yourself or should you write for your audience?

