Finding Magic in Homeschool

Another year of homeschooling leads to the simple realization where having spontaneous fun-filled moments are a major plus

Travis Lakata
Inspired Writer
4 min readAug 31, 2021


I made it through my first day of homeschool, year 2! More importantly, my kids made it through and they did just fine. I’m not sure if anyone feels this way, but I felt more anxious about this coming year than my first year as a homeschool teacher. I don’t know if I know why either.

The best way to describe the days leading up to the first day was, “I guess we’re ready for another year?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to be teaching them again, but I wasn’t sure how much of that feeling would come back. I’m not a teacher in any typical sense of the word. My wife is a pre-k teacher and she is absolutely fantastic. I try to ask her about teaching techniques, but she’s always been supportive in a way that lets me know that the way I’ve been doing it works.

Maybe I was nervous about the upcoming school year because this past year has been anything but normal, and maybe I was afraid that my ability to teach the kids was some kind of fluke. Well, after a single day, and that’s the benchmark I’m going to stand by for the rest of the year, it was a good day! I felt like the kids were engaged with what we were doing. Were there moments of not paying attention at every single second? Yes, but you can’t blame me; I’m just one person who gets easily distracted by shiny things.

We followed a similar routine as we did last year, which included a few subjects to start, followed by a break, and then wrapping up the day with a few more subjects. As I mentioned in a previous post, we’re currently housesitting for Meghan’s parents who are away, so I made a slight adjustment to the schedule. I saved the last subject, Early American History, for when we arrived to her parents. It was a nice way to add in an extra break. So, while they ate lunch, I watered the garden and then realized my kids needed some extra fun in their day.

They stepped outside and I had them run underneath the jet stream of water, or they would jump over top of it. On a hot day, it was great to see them laughing and smiling as they were lightly misted ducking underneath or semi-sprayed when they didn’t clear the jump. It’s safe to say we’ll be bringing bathing suits over next time, so they can enjoy the water to the fullest. This was a bonus I know they loved.


Giving the kids something simple like playing with the water hose is simple and it wasn’t planned at all. My kids need this kind of social interaction where dear old dad steps up and plays with them. I always try to be that kind of dad, but it’s sometimes hard to get into parent-mode when you’re trying to be teacher. So, having this break before finishing the last subject of the day was absolutely a wonderful thing. The kids would’ve stayed out there all day, even while they watched me melt into a puddle from the sun. Ah, good times.

Moments like these remind me that this year will be okay. I will be okay, and most importantly, the kids will be okay. We’ll make it through each day of homeschool and they will continue to learn as the year progresses. It won’t be perfect, because there are always bumps in the road, but it’s important to see these moments and have these good days that far outweigh any other day where one of us might have a bad day. Those “off” days will happen, because we’re all human and kids will be kids, just like parents will be parents. It’s like asking what came first, kids asking, “Do we have to?” or parents yelling, “Get off my lawn!” Those types of moods happen, and no I don’t know why I would use that phrase other than to indicate some form of grumpiness that happens from time to time with being a parent.

If you’re starting a new school year, and if you are homeschooling, find these moments and lean into them. Let your kids have these fun, silly breaks where you’re involved, because it’s the best reminder that we’re doing the best we can and our kids are simply the best part of that equation. If you have a chance to spray your kids with a hose, and I mean that in the best sense that implies NOT USING THE JET SETTING TO THE FACE, I encourage this activity. It will let your kids have fun, you’ll get to smile watching them, and they will have the best kind of day possible. Nothing more will be needed.

Except for ice cream. I also gave them ice cream. Rinse. Repeat.



Travis Lakata
Inspired Writer

Parenting & entertainment writer hoping to make enough for my family all while trying to keep my headspace clear (enough).