Four Types of Luck to Ace In Life

Most success stories lie somewhere on the spectrum between ‘luck’ and ‘destiny’

Asmita Karanje
Inspired Writer


“Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually existing are millions to one.

But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.” — Terry Pratchett, Mort

We all want to be wealthy, but we may not be scientists or magicians. We don’t have an exact formula or magic potion for getting rich. But we can learn how to make luck inconsequential in achieving success. Luck also comes from directed motion — a concept I recently came across in a podcast by Naval Ravikant (a famous American entrepreneur-cum-investor), and it intrigued me to find out more.

According to him, there are four types of luck: ‘Blind luck’, ‘luck from random motion,’ ‘luck from preparation,’ and ‘luck from directed motion.’ James Austin had originally mentioned this concept in his book titled ‘Chase, Chance, and Creativity.’

For a long time, I believed luck was all about perfect timing — being in the right place at the right time.

But just one stroke of luck isn’t enough.

Once you get that lucky break, you need to sustain it — that’s where talent, hard work, and…

