How to Design Your Medium Profile and Why It’s Important

Simple Rules and tools to create a professional look if you don’t know anything about design

Oliver Pines
Inspired Writer


Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

For some time now, Medium writers have been able to personalize their profile page, which is terrific!

Before that, your profile page didn’t matter because everybody had the same. The only way to see how professional you are was in your writing. But now that writers differentiate themselves from others with brand new visuals, it can be an inconvenience if you don’t do the same.

Having a custom profile is slowly becoming the norm on Medium. In the near future, not having taken the time to work on your visual identity might take a toll on how viewers see you as a professional writer — because of the comparison with others.

This seems far-fetched, but do not underestimate the power of visuals and their influence on the mind. They communicate way more information than you might think.

But there is one slight problem.

What do I do if I’m not a graphic designer?

Many people don’t have the knowledge or tools to create something as beautiful as the examples Medium showed us.



Oliver Pines
Inspired Writer

Bartender and new writer from Belgium — One word at a time.