How to Get Real Feedback On Your Work Instantly

Hint: Putting your work out is the hardest part.

Anaya Nosso
Inspired Writer


Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Feedback is like gold to a writer. It helps us improve, encourages us, and helps us determine whether to continue developing a project or scrap it altogether.

But, writing can be a lonely game. Just because you are a writer doesn’t mean you’re surrounded by other writers or writers who indulge in the same forms of writing as you do.

And, busy editors don’t always have time to give real feedback to writers hoping to get published.

Here are three easy tips to get quality feedback on your writing fast.

1. Enter voter-led or public writing contests

I recently participated in the Sixfold biannual writing contest. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a writer-led poetry and fiction contest in which people who submit work must also vote for others’ pieces throughout three rounds.

At the end of the process, the highest-ranking works get published and win a cash prize of $1,000.

Sadly, I did not win or score high enough to be published on Sixfold’s website or the print edition. But, what I got in return was priceless — real feedback on my writing from other writers!



Anaya Nosso
Inspired Writer

I help people heal with my words via poetry, personal development, and creativity tips. I’m open to writing opportunities! Contact me at