How To Tell Your Next Story In a Unique Way

Experimenting with story structure and borrowing from other genres can improve our personal narratives

Michelle A. Cmarik
Inspired Writer


Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS

I recently finished Ocean Vuong’s latest book, Time is a Mother. Ocean Vuong is a young Vietnamese American writer who tells stories through poetry. His first novel, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, straddled the line between poetry and prose beautifully.

While reading Vuong’s poems in Time is a Mother, I was struck by how a unique structure can transform a story.

His poem Amazon History of a Former Nail Salon Worker stood out as especially poignant. Through a simple list organized by month of Amazon purchases, he tells the subtle story of his mother’s battle with cancer.


Advil Maximum Strength

True-Gro Tulip Bulbs, 24 pcs



Healthline Compact Trigger Release Folding Walker

Yankee Candle, Midsummer’s Night, large jar

It’s the unusual structure of this poem that stands out, but also his word selection. Every item he selects has meaning in this list of purchases.

The structure of personal narratives



Michelle A. Cmarik
Inspired Writer

40-ish mom trying to find her bearings while fishing for goldfish crackers. 8x Top Writer