I Ditched the Party-Girl Life and Healed my Relationship with Myself

When you heal, you can be the ripple effect for others

Jennifer Pitts
Inspired Writer


By RODNAE Productions from Pexels

I'm in my sixth year of healing, and I finally can say I'm at a level where I can feel my wounds are healing. I hated the journey so much at times, nagging at me but inspiring me at the same time. The up and down roller coaster, the tears that would flow consistently throughout the months, became my new normal.

I'm pretty sure I started numbing myself at the age of fourteen when I got introduced to alcohol. I spent the weekends drinking while I was in high school. It sped up when I moved to the city for college. I was a functioning party girl spending almost every night partying through my twenties. Alcohol was consistently in my life until thirty-five when an awareness started to bloom inside me that I had enough of feeling shitty.

The shittiness was a by-product of being a functional party girl, throwing parties as an outlet, working my job, taking care of my beautiful children. I would go through waves of feeling good and feeling inadequate, spending a lot of time in front of the T.V bingeing shows while I laid on the couch in my free time. I was sleeping in, taking naps through the day and staying up late.

