I Don’t Like Cats

The story of the accidental kitten

Jacqui Smith
Inspired Writer


Picture of cat with “no” graphic in front, i.e. no cats
Picture by author in Canva.

I am not a cat person.

Sorry, all cat lovers, it is just the truth. I don’t know why. I just never knew any cats as a child and so we never developed a rapport. I wouldn’t hurt a cat. I just don’t want to have one myself. You need to know that for this story to make sense.

Years ago, I was on the Parent & Citizens’ Committee at my children’s school. For my sins, I was roped into helping organise the school fete, a fundraising event, to be held in the park opposite the school grounds.

It would have all the usual attractions: bouncy castle, lucky dips, food stalls and a white elephant stall.

If you are not familiar with the term, it is basically a trash and treasure table, where people donate goods to be resold to someone who can reuse it (or donate it at the next fete).

We collected books, toys, clothing… all the usual stuff.

Then I had a phone call from someone whose cat had had a litter of kittens. She wanted to donate them.

Well, that was different.

An ethical question arose here.

We could not really sell kittens.



Jacqui Smith
Inspired Writer

I live in Australia and have worked in libraries. Interests include books, social justice, well-being and politics.