I Finally Got My First Byline

Look, Ma. I made it.

Rebecca Holland (Velvet Opus šŸ’œ)
Inspired Writer
3 min readOct 11, 2021


Six months ago, I quit my full-time job to pursue my childhood dream of being a writer. I was apprehensive. A big old bag of nerves, really. I didnā€™t know how to make this writing thing work, I just knew I wanted it. Queue me throwing my all at cold-pitching to write content for publications, and feeling an overwhelming sense of frustration and dejection with every ignored pitch and every rejection.

I didnā€™t know if Iā€™d ever get a piece accepted. The rejections stung, and made a writing career feel so distant. Getting a byline seemed like a faraway dream.

Giving up wasnā€™t an option, so for two months I wrote draft after draft, submitted pitch after pitch and heardā€¦ nothing. Plenty of nothing, and the odd ā€˜noā€™ mixed in for good measure.

Then one day I received an email that made my heart pound.

ā€œWe like the sound of thisā€¦ but could you add a few more points?ā€

A maybe. I had received a maybe.

Eagerly, with shaking hands, I responded with a yes. Of course, I could expand on my piece! Iā€™d initially had extra points included that Iā€™d cut out. And they wanted them back, which seemed like a complete no-brainer.

And then I sat on the article. I didnā€™t write a single thing for a week.

Imposter syndrome hit hard. I had gone from expecting ā€” and receiving ā€” the no responses and outright noā€™s to this maybe. I hadnā€™t been prepared for a maybe.

Suddenly, I couldnā€™t write anything, and I thought, well, this is it. Thatā€™s my writing career over before itā€™s even begun. I canā€™t even write this one thing.

I took a step away from that writing and focused on legal contracts work for a client. The article was constantly at the back of my mind.


The word floated around in my head day after day.


That meant they liked what Iā€™d written, surely?


Was I so afraid of failure that Iā€™d throw away this chance?

I sat down, wrote and hit the ā€™sendā€™ button.

Weeks passed back as I anxiously awaited a response. Eventually, I assumed it was a no or I wasnā€™t going to get a response. Then the miraculous happened.

ā€œWe really enjoyed your piece & weā€™d love to publish your articleā€

They said yes.

Yes to my article.

Yes to my first-ever byline.

Yes, to a paycheck with my name on it.

I was elated.

And Iā€™m beyond proud to say that Iā€™ve now finally got my first-ever byline.

Thank you, from my fifteen-year-old self.

Image Ā© Rebecca Holland

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Rebecca Holland (Velvet Opus šŸ’œ)
Inspired Writer

Copywriter & Brand Voice Maven behind Velvet Opus, a Writing + Brand Voice Studio, writing about my journey āœļø tips on marketing, brand voice & dream-chasing