I Paid to Lose Weight and Lost

Yep, you read that correctly.

Rachael Wood
Inspired Writer


Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

You would think that paying $40/month would be enough to lose weight, especially when you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck in this present, highly-inflated society.

At least, that’s what I thought when I logged into DietBet and decided to participate in a six-month long challenge.

It was only $40/month. Hell, I spent $40 or more in coffee each month. If I quit buying coffee, I could actually save money and invest in my health.

Therefore, I clicked the join button, put in my credit card information, took my before pictures and submitted my initial weight.

I only had to lose 10% of my body weight in six months.

And if I achieved the goal, I would split the pot with other winners and win money. That was super doable. Easy-peasy.

And it was easy in the beginning. I was motivated and dedicated. I worked out consistently the first month, ate according to macros, and made an effort to keep moving throughout the day. Plus, I only hit the coffee shop 1–2 times a week.

When the first month check-in came up, I weighed in. In order to lose 10% of my body weight in six months, I had to lose 3.5 lbs a month.



Rachael Wood
Inspired Writer

Musician by day, writer by night. Still trying to figure out this thing we call life.