Inspired Writer Challenge

Rules for the 2020 Personal Essay Writing Challenge

Ash Jurberg
Inspired Writer
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2020


Welcome to the inaugural Inspired Writer Challenge!

Inspired Writer was established to help new and emerging writers launch their writing journey, and now we’re excited to take this to the next level!

We’ve teamed up with The Writing Cooperative to bring you our first Inspired Writer Challenge. Providing a bigger platform to get your stories read while learning from and reading fellow writers.

This Personal Essay writing challenge is a great way to test yourself, engage with fellow writers, build your writing brand and WIN PRIZES.

Yeah — it’s always about the prizes!

The deadline for registration and entry submission is July 24. Along the way, we will send you updates to the email you used to register, with tips, advice and any news. Make sure you’ve registered and then put your fingers to keyboard and start writing!

How To Register

It’s easy as 1,2,3.

Just submit via this form below. Once you have completed the form, you are officially registered in the challenge.

