Inspired Writer Christmas Writing Challenge

That has nothing to do with Christmas!

Ash Jurberg
Inspired Writer
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2020


When is the next writing challenge?

Are you going to run another competition?

Guys — we need another challenge. Now!

Due to popular demand, the team at Inspired Writer are excited to announce our third writing challenge for 2020. The Christmas Writing Challenge that has nothing to do with Christmas!

The first two challenges were a lot of fun, and we received great feedback so we thought we would run one more to finish off 2020 on a high.

This Creative Non Fiction writing challenge is a great way to test yourself, engage with fellow writers, build your writing brand and WIN PRIZES.

The first challenge was essay length; the second was a mini-story challenge, so in the spirit of Goldilocks this time, we are doing one that’s in between. A creative non-fiction story of between 500 and 800 words. One that makes us stand up and applaud when we read it!


Submissions must be Creative Non-Fiction. It can be on any topic but must be a piece that a reader will connect with. And most importantly, it must be TRUE. It can be something that has happened to you or to someone you know, but it must be non-fiction.

