Is Your Writing on the Write Writing Track

Here’s a quick exercise you can do to find out

Malky McEwan
Inspired Writer


Photo by David Herron on Unsplash

“Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret.” — Matthew Arnold.

One year ago, I published a story about two remarkable ex-colleagues. It was an article about emotional intelligence. I read it over today.

You should try this with your own articles.

You are a year older, a year wiser, and have one more year’s writing experience. You can use what you have learned to look at your work with a critical eye.

Check for —

  • Attractiveness of the headline
  • Clarity
  • Meaning (do you have a point)
  • Can you shorten it and keep the essential facts?
  • Coherence (remove verbosity)
  • Grammar
  • Errors of fact
  • Taste
  • Style

I did it with mine.

My article had a read ratio of just 23%. It received 220 claps and two comments (from two writers I adore and admire). It earned the sum total of $5.69. I figure that works out at about £1 per hour.



Malky McEwan
Inspired Writer

Born storyteller. Born curious. Fascinated with what makes people tick and how the world works.