It’s Time to Hit The Reset Button

The world is doing it. Here’s how you can do it too.

Vishal Kataria
Inspired Writer


In 1979, a passenger jet took off from New Zealand for a sightseeing trip to Antarctica. 257 people were on board.

The pilots didn’t know that someone had accidentally altered the flight coordinates by a mere two degrees. Consequently, the plane ended up twenty-eight miles east of where the pilots assumed it would be.

Descending below the clouds, the pilots hoped for the passengers to get a view of the gorgeous Antarctic landscapes. Instead, the plane found itself in the path of the active volcano Mount Erebus.

The snow on the volcano mixed with the clouds, deceiving the pilots into thinking they were flying above flat ground. The warning to pull up came too late.

The plane crashed into the volcano, killing everyone on board.

We are pilots of a plane called life.

This plane rarely takes a U-turn (or even a 45-degree turn) in a flash. It’s just too heavy.


Events that change people’s lives are often a result of people straying just two degrees from the course for too long. Then one day, they find themselves in the path of a volcano.



Vishal Kataria
Inspired Writer

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.