Lessons I Learned From Self Publishing 6 Books

All my books were stepping stones to me

Michelle Monet
Inspired Writer


Stephen King was asked in an interview: Do you write for the money?” He said,

My answer is NO! Not now and never did! I’ve made a great deal of dough from my writing, but I never set a single word down on paper with the thought of being paid for it. I have written because it fulfilled me. I did it for the buzz. I did it for the pure joy of the thing.”

He added,

“If you can do it for the JOY, you can do it forever. Writing is MAGIC, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is freeee. So, drink. Drink and be filled up!”

Thanks Stephen King.

I’ve always believed in creating stuff for the sheer JOY and pure pleasure of it. Why? Because ‘CREATIVITY IS IT’S OWN REWARD’ sometimes — and there is something attractive about passion.

5 of my books displayed for a Literary Festival.

Speaking of passion

in 1989 I had a ton of passion for music. I was singing with my guitar as a solo act around the Denver area in hotel lounges. I made $75 to $100 a night plus tips where I took…



Michelle Monet
Inspired Writer

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com