New Focus for a New Year

January ’21 Inspired Writer Newsletter

Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach
Inspired Writer


Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

Happy New Year to our IW family!

I’m starting 2021 with some rare time to myself this week. My kids are away on vacation so I have the unusual luxury of focusing on my writing. I’m also focused on ways I can help you with your writing, particularly your creative nonfiction.

I’ve had some writing courses on my to-do list for months. Like the picture above says, I need to stop waiting and start doing!

Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll have a brand new personal essay course for you — the first (beta) personal essay course sold out and my plan is for this one to be even more in-depth and useful.

The Creative Nonfiction Academy is still open and running. If you want to invest in your writing for 2021, there’s no problem signing up for just one month to give it a go. Get access to the twenty-three archived lessons, feedback on your writing, and join in with our weekly lessons to see if it’s something you’d enjoy. Check it out at the Because You Write home page.

Now for some great reads:

Featured IW writers

Ash Jurberg from our editing team was a Medium star this week. His article The Speech That Cost Jack Ma 37 Billion Dollars was number 3 on Medium…



Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach
Inspired Writer

New Zealand-based essayist | @ Business Insider, Mamamia, Oh Reader, Thought Catalog, ScaryMommy and more. Say hi at